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Members Appreciation Cookout Recap

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Members Appreciation Cookout Recap

A beautiful September Saturday at Lake Montague set the perfect backdrop for the Triangle Section’s annual Members Appreciation Cook Out and Informal Car Show. With close to fifty members in attendance, a great day was had by all. Hamburgers and hot dogs, along with traditional sides served by Layton’s Catering provided everyone with a true cookout experience.

President Bill Faison provided us with updates on current section events, and recognized several section members for their years of membership. We also celebrated Allen’s birthday with a special cake!

MBCA Vice President, Doug Geganto, also joined in the day’s festivities and informed everyone of the new Medallion Rally and how to participate in order to raise funds for the Alzheimer’s Association, along with other National Club news.

MBCA Triangle Section
Members Appreciation Cookout
Show and Shine Car Show

Saturday September 17, 2022
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Montague Lake
10305 Penny Road
Raleigh, NC 27606